Creating Mandalas with Flower Petals

In this project, Middle School students used flower petals to construct mandala designs. First, students learned about the history of the mandala by looking at and discussing historical and contemporary mandala artworks. The name, mandala, comes from the Sanskrit word for circle and refers to the sense of wholeness created by circular forms. In Buddhism, mandalas represent the ideal form of the universe and are a physical representation of meditation. Next, students were given a variety of flowers and were asked to visualize ways of creating a well-balanced radial composition through arranging the flower petals into a symmetrical or asymmetrical design. Students strategized ways to complete their design by pressing the petals, using rulers, and arranging the petals before gluing down. Working with non-traditional art materials in this way allowed the students to gain a deeper understanding of working with multiple parts to create a whole. Each flower petal mandala is unique and colorful, just like the individual who created it! 🙂