Mrs. Carroll’s Class: Pathways to Peace


” We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity.”-Maria Montessori

Peace truly begins in our homes and in our classrooms. The basics of peace include providing day-to-day environments which operate under an umbrella of respect, where our children can freely share concerns, feel safe, be productive, and enjoy one another.

As is tradition, Fraser Woods celebrated an International Day of Peace with Montessori children from around the world on September 20th. We participated in singing “Light a Candle for Peace,” joining in the efforts of the organization Pathways to Peace to create a “Peace Wave” along with millions of others to honor and inspire the work we all are called upon to do in order to be peacemakers. The song was sung non-stop for twenty four hours by children from around the world.

May we all work together to create a world where everyone everywhere is able to enjoy and exercise their ‘right to peace’.  And may we all help our children learn how to carry on this important mission.

Wishing you all strength and peace.

Cindy and Sharlene