With the turf field out of the picture due to the cold temps, the students have been heating up the gym with various movements, games, and competitions during PE class.
The kindergartners helped decorate the gym storage closet by providing festive artwork for the walls during the holiday season. The students kept holiday spirits high, participating in holiday-themed tag and strategy games, which helped them work on their spatial awareness and social skills. The kindergartners were very excited to go “ice fishing” in the gym during an activity that tested their memory and teamwork skills. The students continue to work on general locomotor movements, including hopping, skipping, and sliding, as well as how to move safely within personal and general space.
Lower Elementary students continued working on their sportsmanship and teamwork skills. They enthusiastically participated in social strategy activities, including “Birds in A Nest” and “Plants vs Animals.” Lower elementary students have also been working on their throwing and catching skills. The students have been learning to respect one another’s personal space during physical activity to ensure safety inside the gym.
Upper Elementary has been learning team strategy and sportsmanship skills through activities including “Castleball” and “Jailbreak.” Emphasis has been placed on maintaining safety and empathy towards classmates at all times amid a competitive environment.
Middle School students are in the middle of a floor hockey unit. Students are working on the proper striking technique to attack the opposing goal safely and strategically. Teamwork and respect for both the equipment and one another have been an emphasis.