¡Comenzamos la Aventura de Español!

It has been such a great experience to begin the year with such enthusiasm. I love to instill the passion for Spanish in our children.

We are excited to have our own Spanish classroom for Middle School children. The students appreciate being able to switch classes and have something different this year and experience our special Spanish classroom setup.

We are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the achievements and contributions of the Hispanic American Community. We also enjoyed exploring the different festivities around the world and learned how they celebrate and how they compare to our celebrations in the United States.

For the younger children, we had fun learning our greeting songs and playing games to keep them engaged. I’m very pleased to see their curious minds at work and how quickly they learned the new songs and words.

Making: Hands On Creative Thinking!

In the MakerSpace, our hands-on learners have been exploring the process of iterative design. Our makers have been testing and prototyping their solutions to complex design challenges. First up, our middle school students were tasked with creating a device to protect an egg from a long drop. The students were given the freedom to choose from recycled materials, self-designed and in-house 3D printed pieces, and laser cut components. The wide range of materials combined with the student’s unique thought processes resulted in a myriad of creative designs.

The “egg drop” challenge worked through the entire design process. Students had to think about the problem, make a plan of how they would approach it, and then test their ideas before making the final iteration. All the while, students were learning about 3D design, sourcing materials, and practicing teamwork. It was really fun to see the students’ out of the box thinking and I am so excited to be working with them in the MakerSpace this year!

FWM Tiny Art Exhibition!

In the Art Studio, our young artists from Kindergarten through 8th grade kicked off the school year by putting together a Tiny Art Exhibition! Each artist created multiple tiny works of art on paper or canvas sizes of 4×4 inches or smaller. Students explored various art materials such as colorful sharpies, tempera paints, watercolors, color pencils, and more. Some students chose to recreate a famous painting, such as Van Gogh’s Starry Night, or one of Bob Ross’ famous landscape paintings. Others chose to create a unique work of art of their own creative expression. The small size restriction challenged students to problem solve ways in which they could fit the entire composition onto the tiny canvases, as well as developed their fine motor skills as they carefully applied paint with tiny paintbrushes. It was wonderful to see the variety of artwork created on such a tiny scale!

Next, we will set up the exhibition in the hallway for the whole school to enjoy. Many students have already even begun brainstorming and prototyping ideas for building miniature gallery/museum spaces to display the artwork in. Because of the excitement and passion students have had for this project so far, some plan to continue collaborating in the MakerSpace to complete their display construction using the laser cutter and 3D printers! Magnifying glasses will also be set up with each display so everyone can take a closer look at all of the wonderfully unique FWM Tiny Art Exhibition!

Middle School Cooperative Games

The Middle School participates in MS Sports class on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for 55 minutes. On Fridays students participate in Physical Education/Cooperative games.  The game played this week was “Castle Ball.”  The object of the game is to try and knock down the other team’s castles.  Students must work together as a team to play both offense (throwing the dodge balls to hit the castle) and defense (guarding their own castles). The game also works on throwing, catching, striking, and blocking. Cooperative games during physical education provide many benefits to students. These games not only provide exercise, but emphasize teamwork, build relationships, increase confidence, and learn about rules and strategy development.





Ya Terminamos

We’ve ended the year in Spanish with so many exciting things happening on all levels! This has been a wonderful journey through some challenges of returning to school during a pandemic, and some incredible growth worth celebrating! I am so grateful to have experienced all of this with the Fraser Woods Community. Throughout the summer, I strongly encourage children to maintain exposure to the language, so that the transition back to school is a seamless one. Remember, if you don’t use it, you lose it! Here are some recommendations for continuing exposure to Spanish through the summer:

  • Primary: Read alouds on YouTube and songs by Super Simple Español can reinforce what we have learned so far (colors, shapes, numbers, animals, body parts).
  • Lower Elementary: Read alouds on YouTube and songs by Super Simple Español, directed drawing videos, podcasts or audiobooks, word searches. 
  • Upper Elementary: Read alouds on YouTube, directed drawing videos, podcasts or audiobooks. Students will also be bringing home a year’s worth of Scholastic’s ¿Qué Tal? Magazine and they have access to the eBook platform Flangoo through June 30th.
  • Middle School: Read alouds on YouTube, directed drawing videos, podcasts or audiobooks. They have access to the eBook platform Flangoo through June 30th. There are also age-appropriate shows on Netflix in Spanish.

Some websites and resources I have used throughout the year: 





Check out the music we’ve covered in our classes: 



Middle School

Elementary Volleyball


The Lower and Upper Elementary students participated in and practiced skills associated with volleyball.  Students were taught the forearm pass (bump), the set, and the underhand and overhand serve. Volleyball is a team sport that can be played indoors, on grass, or at the beach. Playing volleyball has many benefits.  Playing volleyball will strengthen the upper body, arms and shoulders as well as the muscles of the lower body. Our main focus during the unit was to improve hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness. The students learned and practiced with balloons, beach balls and soft volleyballs. Games that were played were, “Keep it Up,” “Four Square Volleyball,” and hitting the volleyballs over the net.  Lower nets were used to modify the game for student success.

Storyasking en Español

Stories are a great way to acquire language. Pictures can be used to tell the story, while other vocabulary can be reinforced by asking children what they notice on each page. We read regularly in every class, allowing the opportunity to make connections, activate prior knowledge, and embrace new content. 

Recently, in Upper Elementary, we took our stories to a different level. We worked through the process of Storyasking, a technique used in TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling). Storyasking is engaging for students, as they get to decide who the characters are, what they are like, and what happens throughout the story. The story is scaffolded by the instructor so that the students are able to stay in the target language, while also acquiring new vocabulary along the way. 

Upper Elementary students loved having ownership in the story, and they were very excited to retell the story with actions, complete word work with key vocabulary from the story, and even play a couple of engaging vocabulary games together.

Poetry and Art

In Art Humanities class, eighth year students created visual representations of Amanda Gorman’s poem titled, “The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country.” Each student chose a line or two from this poem to focus on, and were encouraged to imagine ways to express the feeling of the words using colors, shapes, figures, and other imagery. Students used a range of materials including acrylic paint, watercolor, pencil, and colored pencil. The results were beautiful and diverse; each student’s piece was unique to them while capturing what they felt expressed a specific theme or message in Amanda Gorman’s powerful, historic poem. Interpreting this poem using visual representation encouraged students to think critically about the poem’s meaning. Bravo young artists!!