Exploring the Wonders of the Universe in Lower El

This week, lower elementary students embarked on an incredible journey delving into Maria Montessori’s Great Lesson on the creation of the universe. What made this learning experience particularly special was the active involvement of the third-grade students, who not only absorbed the lesson themselves but also took on the role of presenters. They guided their younger peers through engaging science experiments, showing the intricate concepts behind the formation of the universe. This interaction between different age groups fosters a dynamic learning environment where knowledge is shared, curiosity flourishes, and understanding is deepened. As the older students led demonstrations, the enthusiasm and wonder on the faces of the younger learners were palpable.

On Wednesday, we had a visit from the Botsford Fire Department. We learned about fire safety and prevention, how smoke moves through a house, and all of the equipment on a fire truck!

A Spooktacular Classroom Celebration

In our classroom, Halloween was an absolute blast this year! We dove headfirst into the spooky spirit with a lineup of thrilling activities that brought smiles to every face. From marching in the school parade in our most creative costumes to crafting and decorating pumpkins with a burst of artistic flair, our day was filled with joy and laughter. The classroom transformed into a hub of creativity as we delved into coloring crafts. The best part of our celebration was the hauntingly fun party where we enjoyed delicious treats, listened to spooky songs and participated in games. A heartfelt thank you goes out to the amazing parents who generously sent in an array of food and supplies, making our party a success. Here’s to a Halloween celebration that will linger in our memories for years to come!

With colder weather is approaching, please send your child with appropriate out door gear each day. We go outside in the morning and again in the afternoon everyday, with the exception of rainy days and days when the temperature is below freezing. Thank you!

Exploring the Exciting World of Grammar in Lower El

To Maria Montessori, the teaching of grammar was at the center of her language curriculum for elementary-age children. Today, it still remains a critical element in the teaching of a complete language program in a Montessori environment. At this age, grammar is being presented at an impressionistic level, and later on, in their later elementary years, they will explore these concepts on a more formal level.

For our first-grade students, grammar is an exhilarating journey filled with discovery and adventure. The first years embarked on a mission to explore the world of nouns. Nouns are the essential building blocks of language, representing people, places, things, and ideas. To make learning about nouns engaging, the children went on a classroom scavenger hunt. This hands-on approach to learning not only made grammar fun but also helped students grasp the concept of nouns in a tangible way.

The second graders moved on to the dynamic world of verbs. Verbs are the action words that bring life to sentences. To help the students learn about verbs, we introduced grammar dice and grammar strips. These materials added an element of excitement to grammar lessons. Students rolled the grammar dice to select create a silly sentence. This interactive approach not only made learning verbs enjoyable but also helped students understand how verbs affect the meaning and structure of sentences.

In third grade, students enter the world of grammar with a solid foundation. To enhance their understanding of language concepts already learned, I introduced a new material called “Grammar Sense.” This work serves to reinforce their knowledge of various parts of speech, including nouns, articles, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions. Grammar Sense expands on their existing knowledge by providing a holistic understanding of how these elements work together to create meaningful and well-structured sentences. This material encourages students to analyze sentences and understand the role each word plays in conveying the intended message.

Exploring Nature and Building Connections in Lower El

Field trips are a delightful break from the routine of school life, offering students the opportunity to explore new environments, connect with classmates, and create lasting memories. On Thursday, we embarked on an adventure to March Farms. Our day at March Farms kicked off with the ultimate test of teamwork and navigation skills – the corn maze. After our triumphant escape from the corn maze, we ventured to the orchard for an apple-picking adventure. The grand finale of our March Farms field trip was a visit to the petting zoo. Here, we met some of the friendliest (and stinkiest) farm animals, including goats, pigs, and ducks. Overall, It was a wonderful experience that not only brought us closer to nature but also strengthened the bonds within our class community.

Halloween is right around the corner! We will be celebrating in class on Tuesday the 31st by decorating pumpkins and having a party. Please send in a sugar pumpkin for your child to decorate. You can start sending them in any time, and we will store them in the classroom. Thank you!

In addition to pumpkin painting, the children are welcome to wear their costumes to school on Tuesday the 31st. We ask that the children don’t wear any masks and keep their costumes school-appropriate. They will be changing out of their costumes before decorating pumpkins; please send a change of clothes with them.

Volcanoes in Lower El!

This week, Lower Elementary students embarked on a thrilling journey into the world of volcanoes. Our young geologists began their adventure by learning about the formation and eruption of volcanoes. They discovered that beneath the Earth’s surface lies a molten rock known as magma. When pressure builds up within the Earth due to various geological processes, this magma is forced to the surface through vents, creating spectacular eruptions. The children were captivated by the idea that these awe-inspiring eruptions are the result of the Earth’s inner turmoil.

With a basic understanding of volcanic eruptions, the children delved deeper into the anatomy of a volcano. They learned about the various components that make up these natural wonders, including the magma chamber, conduit, mantle, crust, strata, sill, vent, and dike. As their excitement continued to build, the children couldn’t wait to get their hands on our model volcano. This work will be on our classroom shelf for children to explore on their own.

Lower Elementary Week 4

Autumn is here! The crispness in the air infuses us with a sense of seasonal joy. As a part of our daily routine, weather permitting, we commence our mornings with recess out on the field. The children eagerly partake in a range of activities during this morning movement session, including soccer matches, leisurely walks around the field, and imaginative adventures. This physical activity serves as a crucial foundation for our busy day ahead, ensuring that our bodies are primed and ready to tackle the tasks that lie ahead. With the weather getting cooler, please make sure your child is equipped with appropriate fall gear. With the field often wet with morning dew, it’s important that each child has a pair of indoor and outdoor shoes, in addition to spare socks, to be kept in their locker. Thank you for helping with this transition!

This week, we embarked on our journey to explore the creation story through a series of captivating science demonstrations. These engaging experiments serve the purpose of illustrating the concepts intertwined with the tale of the universe’s formation. The creation narrative offers a glimpse into the very origins of life itself. Its overarching goal is to evoke a sense of wonder, nurture an appreciation for the intricate tapestry of events that have unfolded, and ignite a genuine curiosity for scientific inquiry.

Lower Elementary- Week 3

An exciting part of our week was creating the class “Who Am I” material together. “Who Am I” is a collection of Montessori biology materials used to learn about the different kingdoms of life, specifically animals, plants, fungi, protists, and prokaryotes. As a fun beginning-of-the-year activity, we made this material focusing on the children in the classroom. This process started with the children answering questions about themselves. Next, it was typed up and turned into a material the students can use during work cycle. The “Who Am I” material is a fabulous and popular classification work, and it also provides work in comprehension and fluency while helping the children get to know each other!

We celebrated International Day of Peace on Thursday by singing “Sing Peace Around The World.” This special song is sung by Montessori children all around the world for 24 hours. We gathered as a whole school community, from toddlers to middle school students. It was a powerful moment and a reminder of the importance of teaching and modeling peace to our children.

Candlewood Fencing Center will lead a Lower Elementary Fencing Club on Tuesdays at FWM as part of our after-school enrichment program. To help children better understand the sport of Olympic fencing, coaches from Candlewood Fencing Center will be providing a demonstration for us during the school day on Tuesday, September 26. More information about the program will be available when the full fall enrichment schedule is announced.

Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend!

Community Building in Lower Elementary

It’s that time of the year again! Nothing fills my heart with more excitement than the first few weeks of school. This year was no exception, and I am thrilled to share that our first two weeks were nothing short of amazing! We kicked off the school year with a bang, playing games, engaging in numerous community-building activities, and truly getting to know each other. The energy in our classroom is infectious! I believe that this year will be filled with growth, exploration, and countless memorable moments. Together, we will navigate the challenges and celebrate our successes, creating a classroom community where every student feels valued and supported.

Here’s to a beautiful year ahead, filled with learning, laughter, and endless possibilities. I can’t wait to see how each student will shine and contribute to our classroom family. Stay tuned for more updates on our exciting journey!

Thank you for adhering to your child’s scheduled, staggered arrival and dismissal time. Unless your child has a sibling at the middle school level or you have registered for early drop-off, arrival for elementary is from 8:10 to 8:20, and dismissal is from 3:00 to 3:20. 

We are looking forward to seeing you next Thursday, September 21st, at 5:30 for Curriculum Night!