We have begun a science unit on States of Matter. Matter is all around us. Everything that you can touch, taste, smell, and see is made of matter. The three main states of matter are solids, liquids, and gases.
Solids have a definite shape because these molecules are very close together and do not move very much. The shapes of solids do not change unless some type of force makes them change. Liquid matter does not have its own shape. The tiny molecules in liquids are not as close together as solid molecules, and they move around more. Liquids take the shape of the container they are in. Gas matter also does not have its own shape. The molecules in a gas are far apart, and they move around a lot. Gases spread out and fill up their container, too.
This week, we talked about experiments and making predictions. We blew up a balloon using something other than our mouths – we poured vinegar into a bottle, then added baking soda to the balloon, put it right on top, and watched the reaction as the balloon filled.
We are eagerly awaiting a snowfall so that we can build a snowperson, bring them inside, and observe the transformation from a solid to a liquid and finally a gas.
We also took a trip to the gym this week to watch the Middle Schoolers’ performance of Set in Stone. It was such a treat, and your children were a very respectful audience!
Wishing everyone a fabulous week!
Christine & Fatima