Mrs. Sargeant: A Peek at the Week

We have begun a science unit on States of Matter. Matter is all around us. Everything that you can touch, taste, smell, and see is made of matter. The three main states of matter are solids, liquids, and gases.

Solids have a definite shape because these molecules are very close together and do not move very much. The shapes of solids do not change unless some type of force makes them change. Liquid matter does not have its own shape. The tiny molecules in liquids are not as close together as solid molecules, and they move around more. Liquids take the shape of the container they are in. Gas matter also does not have its own shape. The molecules in a gas are far apart, and they move around a lot. Gases spread out and fill up their container, too.

This week, we talked about experiments and making predictions. We blew up a balloon using something other than our mouths – we poured vinegar into a bottle, then added baking soda to the balloon, put it right on top, and watched the reaction as the balloon filled.

We are eagerly awaiting a snowfall so that we can build a snowperson, bring them inside, and observe the transformation from a solid to a liquid and finally a gas.

We also took a trip to the gym this week to watch the Middle Schoolers’ performance of Set in Stone. It was such a treat, and your children were a very respectful audience!

Wishing everyone a fabulous week!

Christine & Fatima

Mrs. Sargeant: A Peek at the Week


We spend a lot of time reading to and with the children in the classroom. The Kindergarten students have been writing their own stories, which include a beginning, a middle, and an end. They have recently begun to write their very own ‘How to’ books, where they are sharing their expertise and breaking instructions into small steps. We talk about the difference between fiction and non-fiction books, and our book corner is filled with a variety of both.

This week, our Kindergarten students were paired with ‘Book Buddies’ from the Upper Elementary classroom. Our children were ecstatic about this endeavor and are eager to meet up with them again next week.

We stress the importance of taking excellent care of books, as they are special and delicate – some are even ancient, as they are some of the books that I have treasured since my own childhood. It is an absolute joy to witness the impact of literature on every child.

We have read a few versions of The Gingerbread Man (Boy/Baby/Girl), and the children have enjoyed using the cookie cutters and playdough to make their own. There is a silly action song that the children often request during our group meeting time. It’s called Gingerbread Man by The Kiboomers. We play it on Spotify.

We asked the children to share the title of one of their favorite books. Here is what they said:

Aira- The Friedman Family Adventures
Anaya- Anna & Elsa & Lego
Arsalan- Curious George
Ava- Bluey and Bingo
Cameron- The Missing Piece
Divya- The Lion Inside
Ellie- The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear
Emma- The Cat in the Hat
Eliot- The Dinosaur’s Hamburger
Ethan- Hot Wheels
Hayes- Gerald the Elephant and Piggie
Ivy- Uni the Unicorn and Little Blue Truck
Katie- Never Let a Dinosaur Scribble
Lucia- Elsa
Luke- Woody books from Toy Story
Matteo- What Should I Wear?
Olive- Curious George
Olson- Go, Dog. Go!
Oscar- Paw Patrol & Gabby
Otto- Spiderman
Rayna- When Mommy reads to me
William- A Space book

Wishing all of your families a wonderful week,

Christine & Fatima

Mrs. Sargeant: A Peek at the Week

Children display a universal love of mathematics, which is par excellence the science of precision, order, and intelligence.”~ Dr. Maria Montessori

The Montessori math materials are visual and hands-on manipulatives, aiding in the ability of a child to understand mathematical concepts concretely. After many repetitions and when the child is ready, we introduce the more complex and abstract concepts. We teach the process first because the goal is to develop a true understanding of mathematical concepts and not simply memorization. The materials are sequenced in a way that each success a child experiences is a building block for the next concept to be introduced.

Maria Montessori believed that all children have a mathematical mind and an internal drive to understand the environment around them. We know that the Montessori math materials are exact and precise and allow the child to have positive experiences in math right from the beginning. We also know that the Practical Life activities have helped the child to develop order, concentration, coordination, and independence. Likewise, the Sensorial materials have allowed the children to recognize and extend patterns. Here’s the real secret behind the success of the Montessori math materials: the children truly enjoy them.

Hope your week adds up to one filled with peace and love.

Christine & Fatima

Mrs. Sargeant: A Peek at the Week

“Social grace, inner discipline, and joy. These are the birthright of the human being who has been allowed to develop essential human qualities.”  —Maria Montessori

Normalization is a buzzword often used by Montessori teachers everywhere. So, what exactly does it mean, and more importantly, how do we achieve it? When children in a Montessori environment demonstrate deep concentration, self-discipline, social skills, and a true love of work, we describe this as a normalized classroom. Normalization is achieved by consistent and clear ground rules that everyone is familiar with. It is our job to ensure the environment is always well-prepared and designed to meet the needs of the children. As Montessori teachers, we are confident that if we do our job well and the children are free to experience the opportunities provided by the environment and Montessori materials, they will thrive.

After the winter break and upon our return in January, we often see noticeable growth in the children’s social and emotional development. They come back eager to learn and raring to go! In the first half of the year, they have become comfortable and confident with our classroom routines and expectations. They have developed deeper relationships with their peers and teachers. It is always an exciting time and sets the groundwork for the second half of the school year.

It was an exciting week back as we welcomed a new friend into our class. We also enjoyed listening to Aira’s dad read about Hanukkah, in addition to another fun book he brought. Finally, we celebrated a friend’s 4th birthday – and especially loved seeing his baby pictures!

Wishing everyone a 2025 filled with peace and love.

Christine & Fatima

Mrs. Sargeant: A Peek at the Week

“The Montessori approach to celebrating special days is a gift to children as it expands their minds, their hearts, and their worlds.”—Alex Chiu, Montessori Musings

As Montessori teachers, we embrace the knowledge that one way we can promote peace and understanding of cultures around the world is to find age-appropriate ways to introduce the children to different traditions and celebrations. While doing so in a very introductory way, it still allows us to highlight the similarities and differences of people everywhere.  These past few weeks have provided the opportunity to talk about Hanukkah, St. Nicholas Day, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and the Winter Solstice/Yule.  We do this by engaging the children through literature, sharing artifacts, and class discussions.

A huge shout-out to parents who always help in any way they can.  I know there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to afford us these opportunities.  It is so very much appreciated.  As always, if there is anyone who may have different traditions or customs to share with us, please reach out at any time during the school year.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with much peace, love, and simplicity.

Christine & Fatima

Mrs. Sargeant: A Peek at the Week

We hear the children speak throughout the day about what they hope to receive as a gift. Through literature, classroom conversations, and taking a peek into the different holidays celebrated by those around the world, we introduce the concept and power of giving as the best gift of all. We have discussed how fortunate all of our families are to have a warm house to live in and food to eat. We have continued to name some of the many things that we are grateful for. We talked about there being many families who live in our communities who do not have enough money to afford many things. Since our Middle School has been collecting food and gifts for a local family, together we wrapped a gift of cat food for the family’s pet and some of the children brought gifts and food to donate as well. Thank you for your generosity and for helping to instill a sense of gratitude and giving.

We asked each child what gift they could share during this holiday season.  We told them it does not need to cost anything, and it really is about helping others and our communities.  They could share their gift with a loved one or even be a secret gift giver and do something anonymously for someone in need.  The simplicity of their words is heartwarming.

The world could learn a lot by listening to these children!

  • Aira- I would give a bouquet of flowers to Olive.
  • Anaya- I would give a toy like a bubble machine because it’s a nice gift for someone.      
  • Arsalan- I would give a Christmas tree to my friend Matteo.         
  • Cameron- I’d like to give a sparkly shirt to my Mom and my Dad.
  • Divya- A teddy bear to my cousin because she loves me, is thankful for me, and is really sparkly.
  • Eliot- I can give my Mom a hug because I love her, and we can make food for people because my parents are really good at it.
  • Eliana- I want to get a big teddy bear for Mommy and a big, big one for Daddy.       
  • Emma- I can give a teddy bear dog for my Grandma.
  • Ethan- Make a card for my Dad and my Mom. 
  • Hayes- I would give a toy to a baby.
  • Ivy- I’d give my Mom my snow monster because she actually likes it when it dances and plays music.
  • Katie- I will give Mommy and Daddy kisses.
  • Luke- I’ll give my Mom and Dad a kiss.      
  • Matteo- I’ll make a plan to save the day around my house or school so nobody has any problems.     
  • Olive- I’d give a kitty toy to Aira. 
  • Olson- I could give a hug to my Mom and Dad and also to my sister.
  • Oscar- I already bought some presents and I want to give some to my Mom, my Dad, and to my dogs.
  • Otto- I will give a heart to my Mommy.
  • Rayna- My love to Mommy and Daddy.
  • William- I love Mommy, so I’ll give her kisses and run fast with Daddy.    

Wishing each and every one of you much peace and love during this holiday season.  Take time to enjoy the gifts that aren’t wrapped.

Christine & Fatima

Mrs. Sargeant: A Peek at the Week

These last few weeks have been a particularly busy and exciting time with your children. We have traveled through space, explored the eight planets, discovered that the sun is a star, and rocketed back to planet Earth. We are now exploring the first of seven continents, North America.  You may hear your children call it the orange continent. This is because, on the Montessori globe and map, North America is indeed orange. We will continue to explore the animals native to our continent, map North America’s countries, examine topography, and study how a continent’s proximity to the equator impacts its climate.

The Montessori cultural studies curriculum provides children with an opportunity to explore the whole world, including the continents, countries, people, animals, terrain, music, and arts. Children use didactic Montessori materials to familiarize themselves with the needs of all humans for such things as food, housing, and clothing. This early cultural awareness helps cultivate independent, joyful citizens of our world.

We were so excited to have the Botsford Fire Department return to FWM to teach us all about fire safety.  The firefighter demonstrated to the children what to do in a fire, showed them the equipment the firefighters use, and each child had the opportunity to spend some time in the fire truck. The children (4 to 6 year olds) wrote thank you notes to the Fire Department, which Ms. Ildi hand-delivered.

We’re also very grateful to Ivy’s Mom for coming in to bake a gluten-free pumpkin bread, which was quite tasty. The children enjoyed the experience and were thrilled to share our bread with the entire FWM community at the Thanksgiving ceremony. Even though Thanksgiving has passed, we will continue to foster a sense of gratitude all year long.

Wishing your families a wonderful week,

Christine & Fatima

Mrs. Sargeant: A Peek at the Week

The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life. -Maria Montessori

For many, the holiday season is a time for giving. Perhaps more than ever, it is so important for our children to understand that giving does not have to be a materialistic gift. Simple and heartfelt words of love and friendship will last much longer than most anything that can be bought from a shelf. It can be an amazing and powerful gift to our children if, in all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we take time to slow down and model being grateful.

This week, we asked each child to share what they are thankful for. While their messages will make you smile and warm your heart, there is beauty in their simplicity.

  • Olive- my family, friends, teachers, Thanksgiving, and the Earth
  • Katie- my cat, my Mama and Daddy, my dog and Sofia
  • Ethan- playing outside with my brother and my dog, my family, and running in the snow
  • Ava- my Mom, Dad, brother and sisters
  • Otto- leaves and jumping into a leaf pile, and my baby, my Mommy and Daddy – fruit snacks, too!
  • William- Halloween and Mommy, Cooper, and my cat, too
  • Olson- my parents, my school, grapes and skyscrapers
  • Ivy- Magna tiles, Mom, Dad, my dog, and vanilla with cherry ice cream
  • Arsalan- my family, my Grandma and Grandpa, my teachers and police officers
  • Emma- my sister, and my Mom and Dad because they make me breakfast
  • Eliot- my lovely school and teachers, my friends, my parents, and my baby sister and brothers
  • Hayes- my Mom and my Dad and the whole city – also my brothers because I like to play with them
  • Rayna- my family
  • Cameron-my Mommy’s kisses and ice cream from Daddy, the beach, and playing Roblox with my brother
  • Aira- toys, my Mommy and Daddy, my dog, Saltines and dessert, and flowers in the summer
  • Divya- my cousins because they do make-up for me, my dollies, my family because they love me so much, and my neighbor
  • Matteo-my six dogs, my parents, Didi and Woowoo, also for my microscope so I can be a scientist
  • Luke- my Mom and my Dad and my dog and all my family, and for chocolate ice cream with sprinkles
  • Anaya-Christmas and Halloween and all the holidays, and for my Mom and Daddy, my sister and my friends
  • Eliana- my family and for happy birthdays
  • Oscar- Halloween and Christmas, because I love them! Also, for my Mama and Dad because I like to do puzzles with them

We are grateful for all of you and for the relationships we have built with your children.

Wishing you all a peaceful week. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! Enjoy listening to ‘Shoo Turkey’ which has been a recent classroom favorite.

Christine & Fatima