Ms. Mollie’s Class: Geckos and Banana Bread!

Goodbye January, Hello February!

This week in the classroom, we welcomed back our beloved leopard geckos! Scooter and Lizzo are very happy to be back, too; they have enjoyed being held, talked to, and gazed at for many moments during the day! They had taken a little break to my house for a little winter R&R! The children were delighted when, as a class, we got to give them a bath to help with releasing the stubborn shedding on their little hands! The children have also gotten to watch and learn about what Scooter and Lizzo eat and watch them be fed! The children are cautious when holding them, and some of the children simply want to look at them and observe them. We are so very lucky to get to enjoy them each day, and yes, while they are reptiles, they are quite sweet! 

Our Baking this week was……banana bread! Surprise, surprise! Back by the request of the children once again, we made our banana bread, and how could I say no? In my observation and working with the children while baking, I have noticed that the skills of pouring, spooning, mixing, and even cracking eggs are getting stronger, and they are becoming much more independent! 

Ms. Mollie’s Class Banana Bread Recipe 

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar 
  • 4 mashed bananas 
  • 1 cup of oil (any will do) 
  • 3 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda 
  • 1 teaspoon of salt 

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, add the first four ingredients to a large bowl, and let your child mix/smash all those ingredients till smooth. Then add the flour, baking soda, and salt……again let your child mix, mix, and mix until all ingredients are incorporated! Oil two loaf pans, and pour your batter evenly into each pan. (*The children love to sprinkle a little bit of sugar on top….because it makes it “sparkly”; this is totally optional.) Bake for 35/45 minutes! Enjoy! 

With Full Hearts, 

Ms. Mollie, Ms. Lizette and Ms. Anabelle

Ms. Mollie: Cozy Days

This short week has been packed with so much fun! While there is no such thing as improper weather, just improper clothing……we definitely had two days that were just too cold! The children were able to run, play, and get lots of energy out in the gym! The classroom book nook was a very popular spot this week. It provided that cozy feeling of “snuggled up with a good book.”  Our classroom books are rotated out frequently, often following the holidays or a season, giving the children more exposure to the world around them. I love the, “I am” books for children, the simple books give us insight to a variety of humans who have changed our world.  The book I Am Brave gave a little glimpse into Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s life and legacy, and most of all, his bravery.

Our weekly baking was making a loaf of banana bread with extra shredded carrots! The children absolutely love to bake each week, its a time where we come together both to mix, bake and to share food at the table with one another, most importantly its giving us connection. Once the weather gave us some better temperatures, we could finally go outside and play in the snow! Our walk to the field gave us the opportunity to enjoy, as one child said, “all the blue colors” and a variety of different birds. The children were so happy to play outside in the snow. I was able to pull them in the sled, and the pure joy and giggles were infectious!

With Full Hearts,

Ms. Mollie, Ms.Lizette and Ms. Anabelle

Ms. Mollie: January Simplicity

January is a time of simplicity yet full of great momentum in the classroom. Teaching about the winter months gives us the opportunity to reflect deeply on how we are modeling love and showing appreciation for the winter. As many of you know, I adore winter, the cold, the snow, and the reminders to slow down. While doing an observation this week, I enjoyed the quiet of watching the children, seeing where children are challenged, where they are having success, and where they need to be pushed to gain more skills. In our Montessori classroom, the children are concentrated, content, and joyful, which are all the things I am looking for. While our week was simple, it was filled with all the right stuff.

With Full Hearts

Ms.Mollie. Ms. Lizette and Ms. Anabelle

Ms. Mollie’s Class: Hello January!

Hello January! 

As I watch the snow gently fall this morning, I can’t help but reflect on the wonderful week we have had in our classroom. The first week back after a long break would seem like it was harder than most, the children have been absolutely resilient, they have come into school with grace, and the children crave order, routine, and structure,e all of which are in the very fiber of what we do and provide daily here at Fraser Woods. 

This week, we welcomed two new children and our second assistant, Ms. Anabelle, into our classroom, which has allowed us to open our classroom environment, practice our communication skills, and, most importantly, open our hearts to new friends who help complete our classroom. The children have been so enthusiastic to welcome them each day, wanting to help and play with them. Having our new children join us has really enforced grace and courtesy, practicing our kindness and thoughtfulness. It’s been very heartwarming to watch the children with such open arms welcome the new children.

Many things this week needed to be flexible due to the weather, so we were able to enjoy the gym each day! One thing I have recognized with toddlers is the need to run, climb, and chase daily. With more flexibility, we were also able to start our weekly baking! The children were so happy to make blueberry scones; the children helped with each step of the process and were very happy to enjoy the eating part, too! Our daily classroom work allowed the children to practice their skills, enforce concentration, and simply be content. 

With Full Hearts and Wishing you all a Happy New Year, 

Ms. Mollie, Ms. Lizette, and Ms. A

Ms. Mollie’s Class: Happy Holidays

This week, sharing the magic of holidays has been truly magical to see through the eyes of the children. This week, the children explored, played, and experienced the holidays through a variety of different materials and experiences. The children were able to experience Hanukkah traditions through play and taste! We are so thankful that Kat and Jeremy (Margot’s mom and dad) came to play dreidel, told us the traditions of Hanukkah, and made potato latkes for all of the children to try. The children absolutely loved the latkes, especially the applesauce and sour cream! We are so grateful and thankful to Kat and Jeremy for sharing such wonderful traditions with the children! We also got to experience our first Fraser Woods holiday concert! The children clapped, danced, and sat so beautifully.  

As always, parents, Lizette and I thank you for all of your support, kindness, and help in making our holiday pajama party so much fun! We could not have done it without you! We were so happy to snuggle up, read great books about the holidays, and simply be together drinking our hot cocoa!

With Full Hearts,

Ms. Mollie and Ms. Lizette

Ms. Mollie: Playful December

This December has been filled with so much play and quiet and peaceful works. I know you’re asking how a Toddler classroom can be filled with peace and quiet. Each day, the children are given the opportunity to choose works and move freely in the classroom, they are given age-appropriate materials that meet their developmental needs, and they are given the opportunity to have uninterrupted play. The children continue to explore Hanukkah and Christmas, and as a classroom, we talk about each and what the children love about them. We have been practicing our cutting skills, making snowflakes, and cutting out polar animals. Our Polar animals are a huge hit in the classroom, the children have so many questions about what they are, what they eat, how do they eat, where do they live? I encourage you to keep the conversation going about the Who’s, Whats, and Whys. They all help your child truly understand the world around them, and they help them develop language skills. 

With Full Hearts, 

Ms. Mollie and Ms. Lizette 

Ms. Mollie: Hello December!

This start to December has been absolutely lovely……but mostly filled with SNOW! What an absolutely amazing experience it is for the children to get to experience snow, to feel it, to smell it, and to play in it! We have had so much fun going outside to play, and while that has been a favorite, our daily classroom walk, no matter the weather, has been what the children have been asking for.  Being outside with the children brings them a sense of calm and peace that only the winter months can give. December has been amazing for helping us prepare for the holiday celebrations that will soon be celebrated. 

Each day, the children learn about what makes each holiday special; we are using so many new words to keep up with our ever-growing language. The children are strengthening their hands and bodies with work that challenges them and helps them practice those refinement skills. The children are curious and love learning about the new cultures and traditions. The energy and excitement for this season are truly special, it’s a joy to share with your children!

With Full Hearts, 

Ms. Mollie and Ms. Lizette

Ms. Mollie: November Adventures


This week, we have enjoyed so many wonderful new experiences! We had the opportunity to explore a fire truck, meet our local Botsford firemen, and, best of all, sit in the firetruck! The children were a little cautious at first but quickly got very excited to explore the firetruck and the gear that the firemen wear. A huge thank-you to our firemen and women who help keep us safe. You definitely made a BIG impression on such little hearts and minds.

We enjoyed pomegranates this week. The children were eager to enjoy them, but in the true Montessori spirit, they had to get each little gem of the pomegranate out to eat themselves! They asked for more with such politeness and kept working to enjoy each little bite. It was a very successful food tasting, and I loved seeing the fine motor skills put to work. The children were so independent, too!

Our first rainy day in many weeks provided us with the opportunity to use the school gym, which was a first for us! The children were a bit cautious at first, but they quickly were chasing one another, kicking and throwing balls, playing with hula hoops, and silk scarves. It was a great way to chase our wiggles away.

This week, you and your children made my birthday absolutely one of the best! I loved reading each card and am so thankful for the beautiful flowers and gifts. I am so appreciative of each and every one of you! Thank you for making it such a magical experience.

With Full Hearts,
Ms. Mollie and Ms. Lizette