Mrs. Hood: Discovering Joy in Everyday Moments


One of the joys of watching children grow is being constantly reminded to appreciate the little things in life. What we often take for granted as mundane or routine, children see as wondrous, new discoveries and engaging challenges. Everyday activities like preparing food, dressing themselves, watering plants,  cleaning and more are, for them, exciting tasks that help them feel empowered and connected to the world.

This week, we introduced a new practical life activity: window washing! Our windows had gotten quite dusty, so I enlisted the help of some of our older toddlers. Quickly, the rest of the class got excited for a turn!  They eagerly took on the task and approached it with great seriousness. Using a spray bottle felt like a special treat to them, and adding a squeegee to the mix made it even more exciting. It was heartwarming to see their sense of independence, responsibility, concentration, and pride as they contributed to our classroom environment.  Their growth and enthusiasm are truly remarkable.

Another hit this week was a Sensorial activity in our practical life area focused on pouring and spooning. We added a twist by using vinegar instead of water for pouring and baking soda instead of regular objects for spooning. The fizzing sound and bubbling reaction brought by mixing baking soda with vinegar brought priceless smiles and laughter to your children. This was definitely a favorite activity!

On another note, we had double the fun during Sharing Time this week (we ran out of time last week). The children delighted in sharing one day their favorite hats and another day their favorite instruments. We ended up having an impromptu fashion show and a great musical concert! It was a fabulous experience for the whole class.

Lastly, we couldn’t finish this beautiful week without a celebration! Another friend turned 3 years old, and we couldn’t be happier to celebrate her! What a privilege to see her grow!

A big thank you to all the parents who came to support the FWM children during the spring concert and joined us for the school picnic. Your presence and support mean so much to us!

As we honor the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country, we wish you a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

Warm regards,

Mrs. Hood and Ms. Mollie

Mrs. Hood: Awe, Wonder and Big Smiles!

Another vibrant week has flown by, and I can’t believe how fast time is moving! Here’s a peek into all the wonderful things we’ve been up to:

Apart from exploring new works in the environment, our little learners keep delving into the fascinating world of butterflies. With match-work cards and model objects, the children  learned about the stages of a butterfly’s life cycle. Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly are vocabulary words that we have used over and over in our environment.  We observed  our own caterpillars munching on the food and were super thrilled to watch as the caterpillars formed “J” shapes, signaling the start of their metamorphosis, then we got to watch them as they  transformed  into chrysalises! To say that our environment  has been filled with awe and wonder, is an understatement.

Through lively discussions, we explored the importance of butterflies in the insect family and learned about their body parts—head, thorax, abdomen, six legs, antennae, and wings. Children have also explored and learned about  grasshoppers, ladybugs, ants, dragonflies, flies and bees through object models and live insects as we find during our outdoor explorations.

On another note, This week  we welcomed a delightful new addition to our classroom—a dollhouse! It quickly became a favorite spot for language work as the children learned about different parts of a house and the names of family members. With so much  enthusiasm, they explored each room, identified familiar objects, and interacted with the tiny family members. The dollhouse sparked creativity and imagination, becoming a beloved centerpiece of our classroom.

Of course, our week wouldn’t be complete without some sensory exploration and celebration. We savored the sweet delights of cherries during our food tasting lesson, and what better way to celebrate than with a special birthday? We joyously marked the milestone of our youngest student turning two years old, a reminder of how swiftly time flies when surrounded by love and learning.

Please, find below the butterfly dance the children have been learning this week. They really enjoy the song and ask for it often. I encourage you to put the volume up as ask your children to show you the dance steps, I bet they would love that!

Enjoy the weekend,

Mrs. Hood and Mrs. Mollie

Mrs. Sargeant: A Peek at the Week

“Learning to use the toilet is a natural process that begins when your child’s desire to be grown up and his neurological development have reached the point where he can control his bladder and bowels. We don’t train children to use the toilet, we support them when they are ready.” (How to Raise an Amazing Child: The Montessori way to bring up caring confident children, by Tim Seldin)

With summer being just around the corner, we have received a few questions about toilet learning. Here are some Montessori tips:

-Once the child is showing interest in using the toilet, the bathroom can be set up to give the child as much independence as possible. Keeping a supply of dry clothes in the bathroom is convenient. Consider a stool so that the child can reach both the toilet and sink. Rags for cleaning up can be helpful.

When a child has involvement in the process, the child has ownership of the process too, not the adult.

-Incorporate using the toilet into the child’s routine. Invite them to sit on the toilet upon waking, before going out, after lunch, etc. 

-Choose clothing that supports independence.  Clothing needs to be easy to put on and take off. Bottoms need to be loose-fitting to make it easier to independently pull up and push down (i.e., no skinny jeans). Elastic waistbands are great.  Your toddler also needs to be able to remove clothes quickly to make it to the toilet in time. It can be difficult to push clothes down quickly if they are too small/tight or if there are buttons, snaps, or buckles to undo first. 

Because children are in control of whether or not they use the toilet, the language you use with your child is very important. The goal is to empower them and their growing desire for independence without starting a power struggle or inadvertently causing feelings of shame or failure.

When they don’t make it in time…
If a child becomes wet, stay calm and reassuring.
For example, you might say, “I see you are wet. Let’s go get some dry clothes.”  Your child can get them from the supply in the bathroom and even help wipe the floor and wash their hands. Let them change at their own pace and provide help if they ask or if they are overwhelmed.

It is important to create a supportive, respectful environment that encourages your child’s natural progression toward toilet independence. We are always happy to answer questions or offer guidance with toileting.

Highlights from our week:

The caterpillars have started to form chrysalises. The children have been very excited to observe the changes. We can’t wait to see what will happen next!

We explored kiwi this week as our Food Tasting experience. It was well-received!

We’ve been learning the names of birds and insects.

We celebrated a friend’s 2nd birthday and read one of his favorite books, Dragons Love Tacos. Then we shared a special birthday snack of Milano cookies. 

It was a great week! Enjoy the weekend with your families. 

-Christine & Lizette

Mrs. Wilson: Metamorphosis in Motion

This week, we were so excited to see our caterpillars and ladybug larvae moving on to the next stage of their life cycle! The caterpillars are now in their chrysalis stage, and the ladybug larvae have become pupae. Our root vegetables are growing so well, with their roots getting longer. The tadpoles are doing great, and even though they haven’t started changing yet, we had a tiny tadpole hatch from a frog egg. It’s all so fascinating to observe! (After writing this, one little ladybug emerged out of the shell.)

The children are continuing to explore pond life and insects. We have been reading lots of different books on both topics. The children seem to love the book A Frog in the Bog by Karma Wilson and Joan Rankin. Another favorite is a song called “Galump, Went The Little Green Frog.”

The children have started working on a special gift for the parents. You can get a sneak peek through the photos above, but we know you will love the final product. There is still some work to do before you receive it.

Food Tasting: This week, the children tasted the fuzzy, juicy, crunchy, sour, sweet, and soft kiwi. Those are some of the descriptive words the children used to describe what they tasted. They love kiwi!

Mrs. Hood: Exploring the world around us!

This week, we continued on our journey into the world of birds, transforming into tiny ornithologists eager to learn about the intricate details of our feathered friends. One of the highlights was our close-up observation of female and male cardinals and a blue jay feasting on seeds from a bird feeder through an educational video. We talked about the different parts of a bird’s body, including the head, beak, feathers, wings, and legs. As the birds kept leaving and coming back quickly, we made a fun game of identifying them. The children shared some laughs and had fun through this game.

Children also engaged in an art project, painting and crafting their very own binoculars. With these homemade tools in hand, the children ventured outside, honing their observation skills as they listened for birdsongs and tried to spot our avian friends. Their perseverance and determination were truly inspiring!

But our exploration didn’t stop there. In our outdoor adventures we also got to witness the marvel of construction vehicles at work in the soccer field. Each machine had a specific role, and the children eagerly observed and learned about the different tasks they performed. It was a hands-on lesson in engineering and teamwork!

Back inside our classroom, children continue to observe the changes in our not- so-tiny-anymore caterpillars. The children have been observing their growth, marveling at the wonders of nature as they witness the miraculous transformation taking place before their eyes.

For our food-tasting lesson, we explored some delicious and fuzzy kiwis! This one was a yummy fruit for most of the children.

Finally, our week concluded with a heartwarming sharing time, where each child proudly shared a special picture or art piece from home. It was so beautiful to observe and to hear all that they have to verbally share about their special picture. Priceless!

As the weekend arrives, we encourage you to continue the exploration at home. Take time to listen for birdsongs in your backyard, bring some kiwis to your dining table and marvel at the wonders of nature unfolding around you. Together, we can nurture a sense of wonder and curiosity that will inspire a lifelong love of learning in our little ones.


Mrs. Hood and Ms. Mollie

p.s. A big THANK YOU for the thoughtful cards, heartfelt messages, and beautiful gifts during teacher appreciation week. It truly warmed our hearts and uplifted our spirits. Knowing that we have your unwavering support and appreciation means more to us than words can express. Your kindness serves as a constant reminder of why we are so passionate about teaching and guiding your children each day.

As we navigate through the joys and challenges of education together, please know that your encouragement fuels our determination to provide the best possible learning experience for our students. Your partnership is invaluable, and we are endlessly grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such caring and dedicated parents.

Mrs. Sargeant: A Peek at the Week

It has been an exciting week as we have welcomed 5 painted lady caterpillars into the classroom. The children have been eager to check on their progress each day. Caterpillars are voracious eaters and have grown significantly since they arrived in their cup, complete with food. The caterpillars will molt several times before they’re fully grown and ready to form chrysalises. Painted lady caterpillars spin silk to help support and protect themselves. They will hang upside down in a “J” shape when they’re ready to pupate or form a chrysalis. Then, we will wait for the butterflies to emerge! We are so excited in anticipation of this incredible metamorphosis! 

We shared a familiar vegetable this week for our Food Tasting experience. It has dark green skin on the outside, it’s whitish green on the inside, and it has seeds that we can eat. We can peel this vegetable or eat it with its skin. It grows in a garden, and it’s crunchy. Did you guess cucumber? Nearly all the children enjoyed it and asked for more.

Heartfelt thanks to all of you and your children for the special drawings, cards, flowers, and treats this week. We are so grateful. Your thoughtfulness truly made us feel appreciated. Thank you!

Wishing all the moms a Happy Mother’s Day. We hope you all enjoy the weekend. 

Mrs. Wilson: There is a Season, Turn! Turn! Turn!

I wanted to share something with you. Have you ever listened to the song ‘Turn! Turn! Turn!’ by The Byrds? It’s a beautiful song, but I adore another version even more. It’s by Dan Zanes and Elizabeth Mitchell, and it always reminds me of the children under our care. As the year is coming to a close and some children prepare to move up, I can’t help but reflect on all the wonderful growth that has happened in our classroom. It’s truly miraculous, with every season, turn, turn, turn.

Speaking of growth, we recently included tadpoles in our life cycle study. This is a great addition to our observation of caterpillars, ladybug larvae, and root vegetables, and it offers a wonderful opportunity for children to witness and learn about the changes that occur in these creatures. The children are really fascinated with the learning experience and are absorbing all the knowledge they can.

The children’s play has shifted towards a more imaginative and cooperative style. Ms. Sara and I observe as stories unfold on the playground. It is delightful to witness their conversations and storytelling. Some children are creating birthday parties in the sandbox and inviting others to join, while others are playing hairdresser and using a rake to comb hair. A few are pretending to fight fires. Whatever adventure the morning takes them, there is so much joy in watching the children play together.

As the weather continues to get warmer, we are making the most of our time outside. This week, we took the children to our grassy lawn and enjoyed a picnic lunch. We plan to continue having our lunchtime outside as much as possible.

This week’s food tasting featured an English cucumber. Although some children may have already tried this, it was a great chance to encourage those who may have refused it previously to give it another try.

Love and Light,

Cynthia and Sara

Mrs. Wilson: Fascinating World of Pond Life and Insects


“There must be a provision for the child to have contact with nature; to understand and appreciate the order, the harmony, and the beauty in nature.”

In the month of May, we are exploring the fascinating world of pond life and insects. This week, we started by teaching the children the names of some common backyard insects and their body parts. To help them remember, we sang a song called “Head, Thorax, and Abdomen” to the tune of “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” With the weather getting warmer, we have been observing a few insects outside, and we constantly remind the children to be kind to all living things, including insects.

On Monday, we received teeny tiny caterpillars, and every day, the children have been observing them closely to see how much they have grown. We are currently learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly and new vocabulary words such as “chrysalis” and “metamorphosis.” Encourage your child to tell you all about the life cycle of a butterfly!

We would like to express our gratitude to the Raia family for generously donating a Root View Farm to our classroom. The children were thrilled to participate in setting up the garden, where they helped by scooping in the soil. Together, we planted onions, carrots, and radishes, and now the Root View Farm will allow the children to observe what these root vegetables look like when they grow in the soil.

Sara and I want to express our sincere gratitude to all of you who attended this year’s gala. It was truly a memorable night, and we both had an amazing time. Your presence and support made it all possible, and we couldn’t have done it without you. For those who were unable to attend, we missed you, but we hope to see everyone at next year’s event. Let’s make it another unforgettable night!

Cynthia and Sara